Monday, September 16, 2013

Kadhi Chawal Rajasthan

This was a brilliant idea to make and eat kadhi chawal. I am not feeling very well today. It is a feeling of laziness, and tiredness. Was up and about whole day, but just wished someone could care for me today. Someone could get a glass of water, make tea for me, and be around. It is called pet gorom, but you would not understand what that means. Let us assume that it is a kind of bug in the stomach. The apples, and now this food is just right to drive the condition away, along with loads of sleep. In warmer climates this is possible. One has to let it subside, all by itself, and with some right food. It was a painful and tiring day. We do have this experience as we go to the forests in the summers, and have been doing so for nearly three summers.

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