Sunday, September 29, 2013

Nairobi Attacks

@copyright Preet
This is like a tribute to those killed in Nairobi.

Again coming from Facebook, and social media; the first news on Nairobi attacks was pictures of the place that i saw on Facebook. These were lovely, descriptive pictures, by a well-established writer. Then slowly the fact that the mall had been attacked sunk in. Then came the time of evacuation, death counts, international monitoring, and gloom. All in all we have to learn from this incident. Have not read much on Gandhi, but then his idea that you have to put in labor, to get food (material gain); and detachment from materialistic world seem so true. Now, have read his opinion on religions, which is again quite modern. Gandhi wanted people to follow their respective religions, mix with people from other religions, and also to behave like a whole; where people from all religions are the same. Click here to read for yourself what Gandhi was saying about religions, and them being quite a private affair.

The first few reports, where the people in the mall were segregated on the basis of a few questions asked, answers received, means the idea is to propagate knowledge. If the people had chosen not to answer at all, maybe the conspirators would be faced with a tough situation. Click here to read what happened, and how they killed people, and on what basis.

Now that the international community is involved, people are trying to spread the word, and their is news that al-Shabab is under a lady out there to prove herself, it is very sad. The Masai Mara forests, the 70,000 Indians in Kenya, and the whole world as such is faced with a big question on religion. Religion is private, not public. As much knowledge of all religions is to be pushed, and people will have to realize that religious tolerance is the best way forward. Have seen two people, the writer of the Gandhi article, if you click and read through, and one other from Sikhism. Their study of religion has definitely made them stronger as persons, wider in their awareness of the world, and very sensitive, and intelligent. So do learn as much about the different religions of the world. This will reduce the restlessness in you, and make you a better person. Definitely pen down your views. click to read how a man sacrificed himself for the benefit of others.

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