Sunday, September 29, 2013

Girls Attention Please

Girls there is good news. Wish you all had received a speech of this kind earlier. But then i was unable to provide you with the speech. But hey the page says that for every activity there is a reason. You can guess the above picture is of a wedding. Hence the bride and groom will find it more romantic to know about all the drama and action carried out by the elders. There is a meaning in all of it, but then the terms used in the article, are a little complex for me. The chief ones are, do not over-react if the guy holds your hand, throw the rice puffs wherever they tell you to, lovingly look at each other, be polite, and respectful of elders. The sum total of the story is the crowd is there, only to bless the couple, and in the end the couple have only each other, to look after each other. "Note, this is the only time the two of you can be romantic in front of others, later it might look a little foolish". So enjoy the romance. The prayers, treats, gifts, smiles, and training will in the end not work. You will have to do the drama between your selves only, so be patient, and kind to all. Do not be restless, and make it easy for everyone. Life is not all that easy, and beyond the romance, is the care, and affection that you need to share. Anyways, the writing, and do read the excellent explanations, you may or may not remember the terms, but essentially in all marriage ceremonies, things mean the same, as mentioned in this excellently worded english writing. (wonder for whom it has all been written).

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